Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Evolutionary, Thought Leaders Inspire Women Entrepreneurs at The Venus Evolution Global Telesummit

Twenty renown world-class mentors, evolutionary leaders and change agents gather to inspire heart-centered, high-achieving women entrepreneurs at The Venus Evolution Global Telesummit organized and hosted by Hueina Su.

Twenty celebrated world-class mentors,  evolutionary leaders and change agents gather to inspire heart-centered, high-achieving women entrepreneurs at The Venus Evolution Global Telesummit from November 7 to 18, 2011.

The Venus Evolution Global Telesummit is organized and hosted by Hueina Su, MS, BSN, CEC, president and founder of Beyond Horizon Coaching in New Jersey, USA. The theme for 2011 Venus Evolution Global Telesummit is "Relcaiming the Peaceful, Powerful & Beautiful YOU."

Su is an internationally recognized expert in helping people find the missing peace and power in their stressful lives. Su is an international keynote speaker, certified life coach and the best-selling author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others and the upcoming Peaceful Power: A Prescription for Long-Lasting Inner Peace, True Happiness and Unstoppable. She is a co-star in an upcoming personal development movie “The Keeper of the Keys” with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and Dr. John Gray.

"The first day of the Venus Evolution Global Telesummit started with a big bang! It's well received by the global community," Su says. "We're in for a two-week treat of powerful, inspirational, peaceful message from the hand-picked twenty evolutionary leaders, thought leaders, and transformational leaders."

Su says V.E.N.U.S. women share the following common characteristics:

-   Victorious: courageous, resilient, powerful
-   Exceptional: high-achieving, driven, successful
-   Nurturing: heart-centered, compassionate, altruistic
-   Unique: dare to be different, authentic, out-of-the-box
-   Spirited: passionate, purposeful, inspirational.

The twenty celebrated world-class mentors, change agents and evolutionary leaders cover personal development, spirituality and business topics for The Venus Evolution Global Telesummit, including Maryam Webster, Marci Shimoff, Bernie Siegel M.D., Andrea J. Lee, Christine Kloser, Maria Gamb, Ellen Britt, Adela Rubio, Ariane De Bonvoisin, Cari Murphy, Rachael Jayne Groover, Marlise Karlin, Lorraine Cohen, Ken Stone, Angela Johnson, Lisa Walker, Lorraine Maita M.D., Robin Jay and Hueina Su.

Visit http://www.TheVenusEvolution.com to sign up for free seat to participate and immerse in the inspiration, guidance and wisdom of these world-class evolutionary leaders, change agents and mentors. VIP package upgrade is available.

Watch the intro video for The Venus Evolution Global Telesummit:

About Hueina Su and Beyond Horizon Coaching
Hueina Su, MS, BSN, CEC, is an internationally recognized expert in helping people find the missing peace and power in their stressful lives. Su is a Mindful Wellness Expert, international keynote speaker, certified life coach and the best-selling author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others and the upcoming Peaceful Power: A Prescription for Long-Lasting Inner Peace, True Happiness and Unstoppable. She is on a mission to empower one million women nurturers to nurture themselves and create a life of their choice.

Su is the founder and president of Beyond Horizon Coaching, a global coaching and training company, specializing in providing solutions for mindful wellness, stress management, and women’s empowerment through personal coaching, executive coaching, teleseminars, keynote presentations, team-building training, and other wellness services. She is the creator of Rx for Balance (TM), The Coaching Oasis (TM), Nurture and Grow Rich (TM), The Venus Evolution (TM) and Mindful Wellness Coaching for Cancer Survivors programs.

Su is a co-star in an upcoming personal development movie “The Keeper of the Keys” with Jack Canfield, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and star of “The Secret” movie, Marci Shimoff, New York Times best-selling author of “Happy for No Reason” and star of “The Secret” movie, and John Gray, New York Times best-selling author of “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” and star of “The Secret” movie.

To sign up for free stress management video e-course and learn more about Su’s keynote speaking, coaching, training, consulting and products visit http://www.HueinaSu.com.

Hueina Su’s full bio and additional photos are available at www.HueinaSu.com/media-room.

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